What's Your Love Type?

Best matches: ISFP or INFP God chose your birthday for a reason. Learn the 7 secrets your birthday reveals about your future!Best matches: ISFP or INFP God chose your birthday for a reason. Learn the 7 secrets your birthday reveals about your future!

Best matches: ISFP or INFP reason. Learn the 7 secrets your birthday reveals about your future!Best matches: ISFP or INFP Best matches: ISFP or INFP God chose your birthday for a reason. Learn the 7 secrets your birthday reveals about your future! future!

Created by: Kerry
  1. You prefer:
  2. When you're dating casually:
  3. When you first start dating someone:
  4. If you are upset by something your date said, it's usually:
  5. You know someone loves you when...
  6. When you fall in love, you feel it:
  7. All else equal, you prefer a partner who is:
  8. You'll consider dating someone if:
  9. You tend to enjoy dates that are:
  10. Do you tend to follow certain rules in your relationships (like the guy should pay for the first date or no sex until the third date)?

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Quiz topic: What's my Love Type?