What's Your Daemon? (Exotic Results) | Comments

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  • Caracal, I am very loner like and like to keep to myself as much as possible sense I don't trust or like people due to my past as well as being very introverted. I also find myself wise and brave to the only thing I disagree on is being solitary sense I'm quite active. Cool quiz anyways mate though.

  • Archipelago Wolf 86%

    You are a rather unique person. Not as unique as some, but rare. You are wary, but timid and shy around strangers. Some dislike or even fear you. You can make life hard for those you don't like or appreciate. You prefer to avoid conflict, but do not back down when it is called for. You are rather stubborn, and independent, but you do not hesitate to be social. You are known to be vicious and aggressive when provoked. You have a unique voice; you are talented when it comes to sound. You are fast, lithe, agile. You don't mind traveling, in fact you enjoy it. You also enjoy physical contact with loved ones- with them you have a strong bond. You are very competitive. You can be found in groups or by yourself. You care for others you know and love strongly; you'd prefer a mate that with which you have a strong, close bond instead of multiple ones.

    Sooo are you some kind of a mind reader? This is sooo accurate! Like WHAT!?

  • I'm really glad you all liked it, as it's my first quiz. I KNOW my Ray will either settle as a snow leopard or an Archipelago wolf.

  • Caracal. Wow, this is one of the few quizzes I've taken that has actually correctly guessed my personality.

  • I'm really glad you liked it. It was my first. Any ideas for another one?

  • wolverine= sooooooo true!!!!! every bit!!! i liked ur test, it kicked but... well 'sept for the high school musical part. make another one!!!!!

    rock chick BP
  • BTW, I am Dakota. ;)

  • My own daemon is an Archipelago wolf - Ray.

  • Archipelago wolf... close, but quite... I liked it anyway :) especially how detailed it was

  • The Caracal.You are a solitary person, usually shy and timid around strangers. Like the other cats, you are independent. However, you are a bit gullible and easily led into your dreams and romance. You are fiercely territorial about your friends, family, and property. You blend in with the crowd, try not to make a scene, but you never back down from a fight. You can be seen as brave, and you usually keep your emotions to yourself. you can be known as vicious and merciless if the need arises. You are very close to your loved ones, and few match your standards. You prefer little company.

    You are a mind reader aren't ya?

  • Your Result: Northern Mockingbird

    You're a funny person who is known and adored by many. They may keep you around for laughs sometimes. You are the soul of your team group, though you prefer to be alone. You are amazingly stubborn and independent. You have a rich voice, and are creative with your mind as well as your body. You are opportunistic and optimistic. You try not to let things get you down to low. But you can be quiet, especially about your talents. You tend to be embarrassed when people discuss your abilities. You can be sometimes annoying to others, since you're a bundle of energy. When threatened or our loved ones threatened, you can become particularly nasty. You strongly care for those you love, and defend them with your sharp tongue rather than your physical body. You don't think much of love, but you know if the right person comes along, you'll be fine.

    Sooooooo true :D Are you psychic or what?


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