What Poke'mon are you?

Poke'mon, the mythical beings of our minds. The can posses any magic element. Here is a quiz that helps you find out what pokemon you are!

If you take this quiz, you can find out what Pokemon you are! Pickachu? Entie? Pocheyana? or Slowpoke? take this to find out!

Created by: Tater
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. RP TIME! You are in a battle, and you are down to your last Pokemon. What Pokemon is it?
  3. What is your favorite subject in school?
  4. When you read, where do you read?
  5. You juss went through a break-up. What are you doing now?
  6. You are walking in the park and listening to music. What music is it?
  7. What is your eye color?
  8. Almost done!
  9. Kidding, not done!
  10. ok, now its done...what you think? doesnt count toward score...

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Quiz topic: What Poke'mon am I?