What Movie Do You Belong in?

There are many movies in this world and many lifestyles. So which movie does you life represent? Are you unlucky-in-love, Bridget Jones? Are you weird and wonderful Harry Potter? Take this test to find out!

Which movie does YOUR life represent? Are you never sure what's round the corner? Are you always on your toes, waiting for the next surprise? Are you lusting after your boss or just living life to the full? Which movie is YOUR life?

Created by: Sophie
  1. Your first day at school was spent...
  2. Close friends are there to...
  3. As a kid, you thought of your family as...
  4. You run a happy life.
  5. You are more...
  6. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  7. I grew up as the...
  8. Most of my dreams are of...
  9. If I could do anything for a day I would...
  10. I am hard working.
  11. My ideal partner will...
  12. Do you have children?
  13. Your life most resembles...

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Quiz topic: What Movie do I Belong in?