What meme are you?

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You've heard of them. You enjoy lulz with them. You think they pw1n. But do you have a favorite? If not, take this quiz! Now you can decide which Internet meme you should worship and emulate to the highest extent.

In this quiz, you will be asked 13 questions. Why 13? Because I feel like it. Answer them as best you can, and choose what you think is the best answer. When it's all over (thank God) you will know which meme is for you!

Created by: imadoofus
  1. You are waiting in line to get insurance. Everyone keeps cutting ahead of you. What do you do?
  2. You have just eaten a delicious pie. What flavor was it?
  3. Do you even LIKE pie?
  4. You will DIE!!!!!!
  5. Where do you go on vacation?
  6. OBEY ME!!!!!!!!
  8. You hate someone.
  9. What is your favorite game system?
  10. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  11. You know what they say:

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Quiz topic: What meme am I?