What male superhero would you date?????

There are many ways to tell if he is the one for you and the only the way to find one way is to take a test of love ... who will you get of our 6 lovely men of the hour?? Take the test and find out guts can take this quiz too ... sorry for spelling errors

Umm why do you have to put so many paragraphs just for people to take a quiz I'm sure no one reads it because I know I don't .... If anyone reads this who is better Micheal Ealy or Channing Tatum? is that how you spell his name answer in comments ..

Created by: Chari3luvsU
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. 1. what is your favorite comic book universe?
  2. Your being attacked by 7 giant spiders coming at you full force, just when you think its all over you see something (blank) in the corner coming to save you ..
  3. You wake up from the spider attack its all a blur and you awake from blacking out, only to see (blank eyes) and (blank lips) blocking your view.
  4. As your vision returns, you hear a (blank) voice in the background, asking about your Well-being..
  5. you notice the man is (blank) ..
  6. Love is????
  7. when you sit up and get a better view of the man you notice he is rather (blank) ??
  8. He tells you his name it starts and ends with the letters??
  9. Are you enjoying my quiz ... its my first try ... comment if you would like me to make more or if you don't ..
  10. I wrote up a poem .. tell me if you like it " Rose are red, Violets are blue, Candy us sweet and you are to.... he is lucky to have you ... ( no homo)

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