What Kind Of Zombie Survivor Are You?

There are many ways the world can go to hell because of what we do. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse if one were to happen. How would you? Find out with this Quiz.

Have you ever believed that a zombie apocalypse could happen because scientist screwed up. If one did, would you save others, or yourself? Find out with this Quiz.

Created by: Shane Houston
  1. You hear about the zombie onslaught on the news one day and there's banging on your door that day what do you do?
  2. For what ever reason the banging stopped you rush into your kitchen and head to the cellar where your gun supply is when you see that 2 zombies have you dog surrounded in the yard. What do you do.
  3. Your dog lives no matter what you do and the cellar( which is pitch black) is a few feet away. What do you do? Remember you ain't got no ammo.
  4. While down in the cellar you see a zombie slowly crawling through the window( which is over your gun supply), you...
  5. After you get your supplies and have been walking for 2 hours you com across a sign. You go...
  6. After a few hours you arrive at the tram station after going where you had to go( or just straight to the tram station) and there is a group of survivors waiting. A person speaks into a radio and says "I don't think we can last much longer. I'm sorry." You...
  7. Suddenly a large( 11 foot) zombie-like creature comes from out of the sky and lands on one of the survivors. You...
  8. While the tram starts to go into motion you have to make a decision...
  9. Scenario A: Your not on the tram, you either were pushed off, fell, off or didn't get on. The tram trails away. The monster knocked away your guns and you only have a grenade and a flare gun and he's holding you up by your neck. You...
  10. Scenario B: Your still on the tram or somebody pulled you onto the tram at the last second and the monster is tailing you. What do you do?
  11. Scenario AB: You remember it all, the fight with the monster, the tram, the survivors and how the tram blew up. You wake up to find 2 men standing over you with guns. One says "what has God wrought". The other says "If you want to live, talk." You...

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Quiz topic: What Kind Of Zombie Survivor am I? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Zombie Survival Quiz category.