What kind of unicorn are you? | Comments

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  • Lava unicorn,I am very defensive and protective over myself and my beliefs as well as having quite the temper on me when messed with. Cool quiz mate.

  • What kind of unicorn are you?
    Your Result: Air unicorn

    You are logical yet random and somehow unpredictable in a logical, organized way. You often try to govern other species of unicorns; although fire, ice and water unicorns simply ignore you. Lava unicorns, on the other hand, do exactly the opposite of what you say, because you annoy each other for reasons not yet scientifically explained.

    yay i gotsame as you

  • You are logical yet random and somehow unpredictable in a logical, organized way. You often try to govern other species of unicorns; although fire, ice and water unicorns simply ignore you. Lava unicorns, on the other hand, do exactly the opposite of what you say, because you annoy each other for reasons not yet scientifically explained.


    Lil hihi

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