What Kind of Music Person are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Kind of Music Person are You?

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  • Rocker,true I like listening to heavy metal, screamo,rock and punk alot of the time. I really don't like anything else music related besides those genres. Cool quiz mate.

  • Your Result: You are a Pop person!

    You enjoy the fine moving pop music with the piano harmony and soft acoustic. You like to listen to the smooth, low going rhythm and beats of original pop music.

    Pop is the BEST!!

  • yeah! rockers rule! if rock'n roll rotts you brain,i want my brain rotted!

  • Your Result: You are a Rocker!

    You must love rock or alt. music because you are so like a rock star!! You love to listen to your favorite artists and rock on with your buddies. You would give anything to see your favorite band at a concert.

    yup that got it :D

  • Your Result: You are a Rocker!

    You must love rock or alt. music because you are so like a rock star!! You love to listen to your favorite artists and rock on with your buddies. You would give anything to see your favorite band at a concert.

    yup..tr ue..


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