What kind of merperson are you? | Comments

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  • Weather worker mermaid,I don't trust many people often cause of the abusive past I had and I also can be sometimes temperamental. Controlling the weather would be awesome. Cool quiz mate

  • What kind of merperson are you?
    Your Result: Weatherworkers 88%

    Woah, you're absolutely a Weatherworker mermaid or merman! Weatherworkers are usually calm but are temperamental beneath. All are about as unpredictable as the weather. Weatherworkers, as you can probably tell, posses a power to control the weather. Among all mermaids, the males are the most likely to be seen on the surface. Despite this, they're still rarely seen because they inhabit the deepest, most remote oceans of the world. They're known for their long tails and necks. Few humans survive encounters with these mighty mermaids, because if you see one, you've likely trespassed on sacred ocean waters. If you're lucky, they might be willing to make a bargain with you: if humans agree not to sail sacred waters, then they'll be untouched by bad weather. When a deal is made, the human will receive some sort of special talisman. As long as they possess this talisman, no harm will come to them at the hands of the mermaids. However, they'll expect something from you in return.

    18% Shapeshifter
    10% Shipsaver
    6% Wishgiver

    • Your Result: Weatherworkers 74%

      Woah, you're absolutely a Weatherworker mermaid or merman! Weatherworkers are usually calm but are temperamental beneath. All are about as unpredictable as the weather. Weatherworkers, as you can probably tell, posses a power to control the weather. Among all mermaids, the males are the most likely to be seen on the surface. Despite this, they're still rarely seen because they inhabit the deepest, most remote oceans of the world. They're known for their long tails and necks. Few humans survive encounters with these mighty mermaids, because if you see one, you've likely trespassed on sacred ocean waters. If you're lucky, they might be willing to make a bargain with you: if humans agree not to sail sacred waters, then they'll be untouched by bad weather. When a deal is made, the human will receive some sort of special talisman. As long as they possess this talisman, no harm will come to them at the hands of the mermaids. However, they'll expect something from you in return.

      72% Wishgiver
      70% Shipsaver
      44% Shapeshifter


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