What kind of dragon from wings of fire are you

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This quiz is to inform you what tribe you are from in Wings of Fire. Imagine what you can do if you where that dragon a SeaWing swimming a SkyWing Flying

Just make sure you read all the book that Tui T Sutherland ever wrote or else haha but seriously do that ok DOOOOO ITTTTT ahh why do I have to write 150

Created by: Kito Dennis
  1. Do you like wings of fire
  2. If Queen Snowfall was in danger will you..
  3. Are you more like
  4. I will……you
  5. This adds to the last question I will……you if you give me flowers Click the one you will know do
  6. Are you
  7. Give Tui T Sutherland
  8. Do you like
  9. Favourite colour
  10. You are done

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Quiz topic: What kind of dragon from wings of fire am I
