What is your stance on evolution and creationism? | Comments

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  • I think the Bible is a relevant myth.

    As a deist, I hold the opinions of honest, intelligent people in as high a regard as my own.

    Genesis 1 thru 11 have no conflict with Darwin, and modern evolution. That language had fewer words, and so, requires study to put it into our words.

    Genesis 4:3 'time'= Yom, is the same word for 'day' in Gen. 1:1.

    Creationists don't agree with evolution by definition. They're not reading their own book with any insight at all. If you look at the history, Creationism is Polygenism, which is the most pernicious racism from slavery, to Jim Crow, to Teutonic/Aryan supremacy.

    In either interpretation, the theme is relevant to our ideas of what God might have done, might consider good and evil. The story/myth carries the theme.

    That the first writer got so much right amazes me. Please remove the word irrelevant from the question.

    Thank you.

  • Well, I apparently got Evolutionary Creationist, the 100% rank! I am AMAZING! :D

    The 12 Year Old

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