What is your political ideology

There are many ideologies out there. Some of them make sense, other are just plain crazy. Some are interesting and radical, others kinda boring and mainstream.

You're bound to fall into some ideology. Or maybe you don't. Perhaps your views are to alien to most people to be categorized within the normal political spectrum. Or maybe you just don't really have any opinions. But you probably fit into one.

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Let's start heavy. What are your thoughts on abortion?
  2. What should the income tax be like?
  3. Should there be more or less taxation. Answer as it applies in your own country.
  4. What about gay marriage?
  5. How about the relationship between the church and the state.
  6. Should the your government provide foreign aid to other countries.
  7. Capital punishment?
  8. What's the best form of government?
  9. How does monarchy sound to you?
  10. What about marijuana?

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Quiz topic: What is my political ideology