What is your mental age?

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What is your mental age? Are you mature or irresponsible? Realistic or silly? Hardworking or amusing? Think you know? Well then, please, take this quiz! And don’t forget to have fun!

I really wish that you will. Making this quiz was hard! But I just really hope that it was accurate. Not all of my quizzes are accurate, so please write that in the comments. Thanks!

  1. Hey guys! Thanks for choosing my quiz to take. It’s Saturday, 4:00 p.m. What are you most likely to be doing?
  2. How old are you physically? This doesn’t highly affect your results, but it’s a good idea to have a clear base of age. (I took some answers from the older quizzes for this one)
  3. Are you talkative?
  4. Are you thoughtful?
  5. Are you fair?
  6. Are you humble?
  7. Now I am going to put in longer questions for you. Bad hair day. What do you do?
  8. Ask someone to describe you. What was their description? (Skip this question if it’s not here, or select the closest)
  9. From a scale of one to ten, how young, how insignificant do you feel right now?
  10. And finally, do you prefer to clean up a terrible mess or create a terrible mess?

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Quiz topic: What is my mental age?
