What is your life Love Story?

This is your love story! Hope you enjoy it!!!

i hope you have an ah-MAZING Love story!!!

Created by: Yumi is cool
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello! This is a love story about yourself in real life and how you would meet a boy you will love in future life.
  2. ok, so, do you like your real life love story?
  3. Do you like your best friend, who is a guy (not boy-friend, just BFFs)?
  4. Have you ever been attracted by a boy who is in the band or you wish to(if you are in the band)?
  5. have you ever had a group assignment that you got a boy (who is popular) as a partner? Or you WISH to?
  6. Again, do you like your love life?
  7. This is only if you have a boyfriend and you WISH to have a boyfriend of you love life; and your love life story.
  8. Do you have a love life NOW?
  9. so... are you ready for the results? everyone has different love stories!
  10. RESULTS!!!

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Quiz topic: What is my life Love Story?