what is your kotlc boyfriend

answer these 10 questions to find your boyfriend.! this is going to be fun1😄i like awesome cheese because it is fantasticly amazing fdfghhhhuiu.I like horses

have fun!! cheese is so amazing so you should eat a lot of it.123456789.omg i like bananas.amazinly fantastically amazing chickens live herebbbbbgghydd

Created by: cheese
  1. do you like cheese
  2. what is your element?
  3. what is your favorite color?
  4. what is your guy type
  5. where would you go on your first date?
  6. what is your hobby?
  7. what is your favorite animal?
  8. how hungry are you?
  9. how many pets do you have?
  10. are you......

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Quiz topic: What is my kotlc boyfriend
