Is your boyfriend loyal to you?

This quiz is about testing if your boyfriend is either a loyal man or not loyal. You must answer all the questions to get an answer at the end. The higher the score the less chance he is a cheat!

Do you think your man could be a cheat? Are you unsure whether you know him well enough? Take my quiz which will help guide you to get the answer you have been looking for!

Created by: jennie1
  1. Does your boyfriend let you go on his phone?
  2. Does your boyfriend answer his phone calls around you?
  3. Does he take you out on dates?
  4. Do you have his passwords to his social media accounts?
  5. Does he have friends that are girls?
  6. Have you met his family?
  7. Does he go out at night?
  8. Is your man guilty of lying?
  9. Do you know where he works?
  10. Does your friends or family trust him?
  11. Are you aware of his previous relationships?
  12. Has he ever cheated on you before?
  13. Does he speak about the future for the both of you?

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Quiz topic: Is my boyfriend loyal to you?