what is YOUR future??? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz what is YOUR future???

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  • COOLIO!! :DD
    Your Result: you will live long and happily

    you will live for quite a long time being happy. very happily. things will go your way. and you will be happy for a really long time. dont do anything bad to break this streak.

  • Your Result: you will live long and happily

    you will live for quite a long time being happy. very happily. things will go your way. and you will be happy for a really long time. dont do anything bad to break this streak.

    yay =]

    Puppy xo1
  • Okay I will try to cheer up a little! I am gothic and emo, so I am always depressed.

  • great quiz!


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