what is YOUR future???

There are many paths to take in life. Take this quiz if you wish to know how your life will go on. in this quiz there are four paths, you chose your own.

Are you going to die soon? Live long and happily? Be wealthy?? What is going to happen to YOU??? Well if you take this quiz you are one step closer to finding out!!!! Ready...set....go!!

Created by: katherine
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you done something wrong in the last few minutes?
  2. Do you have a dog?
  3. Has someone close to you died recently?
  4. Are you afraid of death?
  5. Are you planning to get married?
  6. Are you planning on having kids?
  7. Are you taking drugs/are you smoking?
  8. Do you have a job that pays enough?
  9. Do you travel often?
  10. Are you ready for what life has to throw at you? Are you prepared for possible death?

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Quiz topic: What is my future???