what is your fatal flaw?

Everyone has a fatal flaw. Whats your's? It could be good, it could be bad. This is a very accurate quiz. And I AM CRAZY!!!!!!! SABOTAGE AND PEANUT BUTTER!!!

!!!!!!ARE YOU CRAZY?? Anyway, take this quiz to see your very important to know flaw. (!!!!YOU MUST BE CRAZY TO TAKE THIS QUIZ!!!!! C-R-A-Z-Y!!!!!!!!)

Created by: warrior girl of pbs
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you are eating at a restaurant your mom starts coughing violently then faints. You...
  2. You are walking down the road with your friends. You see a girl crying. Your friends don't want to help her! You...
  3. Your friends sibling just said he hated her. She wants you to come over. You...
  4. When you are in the middle of a soccer game your mom calls. She wants you to come home and she sounds worried. You...
  5. You enter a race. You come in second to some girl. You...
  6. When you are reading a book your annoying little brother comes and asks you too play chess. You...
  7. *This may change your results* Do you like my quiz?
  8. You enter a knitting contest in wich you have to knit a impossible looking thingy. Someone in your family knows how to make it. You...
  9. You are bored. Your only choice of something to do is ask your little brother to play with you. You...
  10. Are you crazy?

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Quiz topic: What is my fatal flaw?