What is your fashion style? (GIRLS) | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your fashion style? (GIRLS).

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  • Girly girl!!! That's sooooo me!!

  • You are either: Goth chick! You are darkly beautiful and eerily cute. You love black clothes and tumblr inspired grunge-ish outfits. Stay evil with an upside-down cross sweater and black babydoll knee-socks! Or..... Sporty girl! You like sports and being active and comfy. Jerseys and sneakers are your go-to combo! Make sure you splash some cash on the latest sports stuff to stay on trend!

    For once a quiz like this was correct. Nice job.

  • Goth girl or sporty chick So you were correct

  • Goth girl or sporty chick So you were correct


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