What is your second wolf name?

A second wolf name is applied after your first wolf name given to you by your parents or whoever. Some examples are BraveClaw. Claw is the second name.

If you want to know what YOUR second wolf name is then take this quiz! You will also find out what role in the wolf pack best suits you. (Will not tell you a first name)

Created by: BlueMoon
  1. Your out scouting around the borders of the wolf pack and see a huge deer elk. What do you do?
  2. The pack finds out about the deer elk and now the whole pack is hunting it down. You can't see the elk from where you are because your surrounded by wolves. What do you do?
  3. The deer elk is eventually brought down. A few wolves have already eaten and they are waiting to see who goes next. Some might start biting you if you go first,though.
  4. None of the wolves bite you. You are now full of food and back at the main pack grounds. What do you want to do?
  5. Just as your about to do that,it starts raining. It will be raining for the rest of the day and ruins any plans you made. How do you feel?
  6. The next day,the rain had FINALLY stopped. Your friends invited you to a party and it's starting RIGHT NOW! A mother comes up and asks if you could watch her pups. What do you say?
  7. A pupsitter walks up and offers to take the job. The mother agrees. You continue to the party. What do you do when you get there?"
  8. When the party is over you go back home and go to sleep for the night. The next morning you decide to go exploring. There are three paths you can go on. Which one do you take?
  9. Your walking down the path when an enemy wolf jumps out with his pack. He says that you are crossing his territory and there is already friction between your pack and his so he declares war. What do you do?
  10. As your doing so, your alpha suddenly appears and starts attacking the enemy. The enemy wolf pack alpha starts pleading for mercy. He says that he was just kidding, but your alpha keeps attacking. The wolves from the enemy pack are looking really worried,but aren't doing anything. What do you do?
  11. As your doing so, your alpha suddenly appears and starts attacking the enemy. The enemy wolf pack alpha starts pleading for mercy. He says that he was just kidding, but your alpha keeps attacking. The wolves from the enemy pack are looking really worried,but aren't doing anything. What do you do?
  12. This makes both sides even angrier and now there is a war. Which side do you fight for?
  13. After the war,both packs split up. Most wolves are going their own way,but some are sticking together. What do you do?
  14. Ok,that was a nice adventure! Now what's your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: What is my second wolf name?