What High School Stereotype Are You? | Comments

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  • What High School Stereotype Are You?
    Your Result: Popular 88%

    The popular kids are also known as the cool kids. The popular kids tend to be high achievers, and have excellent people skills. They're usually friendly, well rounded, and above average in class. They're often stereotyped as being arrogant or shallow, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the popular kids are popular because they are actually nice, funny, and cool human beings.

    11% Goth
    11% Jock
    0% Punk
    0% Nerd
    0% Loner

  • Your Result: Loner 54%

    Loners tend to be the outcasts, who don't really fit in with the rest of the kids. Some loners choose to be alone and are happy with that choice, but others are loners because they have trouble making friends or because they were rejected or bullied by other kids. Loners are often shy and have kind and thoughtful personalities once you get to know them. Because they spend so much time on their own they tend to enjoy reading and are very intelligent.

    Funny how I got popular right under though, pfft. Theyre right that I didnt have too many friends, but I dont think I was that smart and I didnt like to read

  • I got punk... But I am sure that I'd be the loner so like...

  • What High School Stereotype Are You?
    Your Result: Loner 72%

    Loners tend to be the outcasts, who don't really fit in with the rest of the kids. Some loners choose to be alone and are happy with that choice, but others are loners because they have trouble making friends or because they were rejected or bullied by other kids. Loners are often shy and have kind and thoughtful personalities once you get to know them. Because they spend so much time on their own they tend to enjoy reading and are very intelligent.

    40% Punk
    20% Nerd
    20% Popular
    20% Goth
    0% Jock

    Nooo I dont wanna be a loner :( but I do suck at making friends lol the only reason I have friends at my school is cause someone was nice enough to ask if I wanted to hang out with her friend group. I guess I am introverted as well but not to the point where I literally dont want to friends cause that would make me really lonely. Also it makes sense how I got 0% jock, i hate sports haha. And I think the reason I got 40% punk and 20% goth is cause i like that kinda music and i went through an emo phase (hence my name)

  • I got jock, i believe i am somewhere between nerd and jock

    i am i
  • Tonight at midnight your true love will realize he likes you.if you don't send this to 5 other quizzes you will have relationship problems for the next 10 years if you post this on 10 other quizzes you will get everything you want tomorrow.

  • What High School Stereotype Are You?
    Your Result: Goth 81%

    Goths tend to feel like they are rejected from society, and sometimes suffer from depression, but this is not always the case. A goth is usually someone who identifies with the goth subculture, and listens to goth music. The goth lifestyle is also about artistic expression, for example a lot of goths wear dark clothing. Goths tend to understand that there is a lot of pain in the world, and its better to accept it as fact rather than to ignore it.

    24% Loner
    14% Popular
    14% Punk
    0% Nerd

  • I wouldn't really say I'm punk but ok

    Alexander Magne
  • ooooooooooooooh

  • No thanks. Not my favorite quiz. I’m sorry.


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