What Frozen character are you | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Frozen character are you.

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  • Elsa,I am very self reliant and like being a loner too. I also see myself as adventurous and a fighter I can be a bit selfish too at times but overall loyal to those I care for. Cool quiz mate.

  • OLAF! now that's more like it!

    1 Twilight Fan
  • Your Result: Olaf 82%

    You are like Olaf. Olaf is goofy and naive, but extremely lovable and caring towards his friends. Elsa made him a snowman who loves warm hugs. Olaf is very dreamy, and thinks anything is possible.Aside from his dominantly goofy side, Olaf is shown to have some intelligence to him. He is also not as oblivious as he seems, as he was quite skeptical about the Trolls at first when he thought they were just rocks, and even warns Anna to run because he cares for her.

    58% Elsa
    55% A nna
    31% Duke of Weselton
    24% Hans

    Yay! I love Olaf! He's like the only character from Frozen that I even care about.


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