what football postion are you

There are a lot of great and historical football players who are rich and everybody knows. football is one of the greatest sports in the world and americas game.

have you ever wondered whether you are a running back or reciever well nows your chance to find out it is mostly personality questions so it is pretty accurate.

Created by: james
  1. Who is your favorite set of players?
  2. what is your favorite number out of these?
  3. are you fast?
  4. are you a team player?
  5. are you small or big?
  6. are you aggresive?
  7. are you tall or short
  8. do you even like foorball?
  9. do you have high stamina?
  10. would you be abl to handle a lot of responsibilitiy

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Quiz topic: What football postion am I