What element are you? | Comments

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  • Water

    resultThe Water element represents the power to conserve, concentrate and conceive. Water is the low point of the matter. It is matter's dying or hiding stage. It's energy is downward and its aspect is stagnant and conserving. The negative feeling associated with water is fear, while the positive feeling is peacefulness. It is representative of intelligence and wisdom, suppleness, and softness . An over-abundance of the water element can lead to difficulties in making choices and adhering to those choices. Water can be fluid and yielding yet it can also exhibit great power when it deluges and overwhelms the land.

    Great quiz! :D

  • fire. sounds like me!

  • Your Result: Wind

    The gift of the Wind person is connection. Wind people thrive on complexity, their ability to link and conceptualise events and ideas is an amazing asset. Wind people are extremely creative. Their gift is in huge demand in environments where people need diverse possibilities and potential brought under some control. In the world of concepts, wind people weave the web that links opportunity with possibility. The Wind personality is very enthusiastic and ever changing. Are you constantly thinking and looking for new adventures? Are you on the go and ready to try anything on a whim? Do you tend to be open-minded and creativean original thinker? Think of the free spirited type who is a great adventurer. Think of the artistic and creative type. Think of someone who is optimistic and objective. This is a person whose glass is always half full. The Wind is very talkative. They tend to be the entertainment at the dinner table and talk with their hands.

    :O. This is so me. I talk wih my hands all the time!! Very good quiz, I enjoyed it :).


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