what eevee are you? no leafeon or glaceon by flareon

some people make fun of you, some dont! eeveelutions are rare and cute which one will you get? if you get eevee, try to do some different things and see if you evolve!

are you an eeveelution? i dunno!? yes i do!? which one do you choose? please comment im dyin!!!!! so please take this becuase no new people commented!!!!!!!

Created by: flareon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what letter does your name start with?
  2. what coulurs would you like your skin to be?
  3. hamster?
  4. what is your favorite month?
  5. if you made a song what would it say?
  6. :( ):
  7. what do you wanna do?
  8. im bored..
  9. im leavin..
  10. please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: What eevee am I? no leafeon or glaceon by flareon