What dog are you?

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Are you bored and have nothing better to do? Do you wonder "what dog am I?" Well here's the quiz for you! (I love cheesy intros. They're cute) ¡te amo mucho!

Everyone loves dogs and say "dogs are people too!" Then let's test that. What dog would you be in the mammal world? Ps-these are all opinion based!!!

Created by: [no emails]
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you talk a lot?
  2. What is your favorite sport?
  3. How would you rate yourself?
  4. What would you feed your dogs
  5. What is your favorite mealtime?
  6. What do your grades look like?
  7. What is your favorite color (sorry. Gotta have some questions)
  8. What dog do you like the most
  9. What's your favorite kind of movie?
  10. Last Question: Do you smoke?

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Quiz topic: What dog am I?