What Food Are You?

They are many sweet kind people but are you one of them? This quiz shows your sort of personality? Just answer all the question and you find out what you are!

What food are YOU? Are you Cute, Cheesy, Geeky or Populaur.You dont know? Well, thanks to this brilliant quiz you will find out! It will only take a few minutes and then Tadaa!

Created by: Cupcake
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Do You Think Of Yourself?
  2. Where Would You Live?
  3. Whats Your Fave Colour?
  4. Do You Like School?
  5. How Many Friends Do You Have?
  6. Who Is Your Fave SuperHero
  7. What is your best quality?
  8. If you saw a rainbow in the sky what would you say?
  9. What is your hair colour?
  10. Will you rate or comment?

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Quiz topic: What Food am I?