What does your favourite colour say about you?

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Have you ever wondered why you like the colour that you like? If you have, you've come to the right place! Colours represent a lot as they are part of everyone's everyday life.

You will hopefully find out something about your personality that you didn't know before. Not all of it might apply to you, so take it the way you want! Also if you want comment your result to see if anyone else got the same one, as you have have similar personalities! Also feel free to try out my other quiz!

Created by: Ria222
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What is your favourite ice cream flavour? (if not listed, say which is your favourite out of these)
  3. What is your favourite activity? (out of these)
  4. What do you dislike the most? (out of these)
  5. Do you have a pet?
  6. Do you get on well with your family?
  7. What is your favourite time of the year?
  8. What is something you have your bucket list?
  9. What type of food is your favourite?
  10. Have you enjoyed this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What does my favourite colour say about you?
