Ria222's Profile


Joined on May 13, 2023
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
1-Year Club
100 Quiz
Top 40 Quiz
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Ria222's Recent Posts

  • Boredom
    "Yeah I got it now, you just didn't do it in capitals so I got confused, thanks for clearing it up"
  • Boredom
  • local cabaret
    "Cabaret, are you alright?"
  • Boredom
    "That's cool"
  • Boredom
    "What do you mean by us? You or everyone?"
  • Boredom
    "Also where are you all from? (like what country)"
  • Boredom
    "Anyone else having exams rn?"
  • Boredom
    "I had an exam today and have another one tomorrow too. uhhhhh..... and 23 more over the next 4 weeks. ehh, at least It'll be over soon so I'..."
  • Boredom
    "To be honest I have a mental breakdown almost every day, probably had one on Tuesday"
  • anything but english
    "--- -.- .- -.-- --..-- / -.-. --- --- .-.. --..-- / ... --- / .... --- .-- / .. ... / . ...- . .-. -.-- -... --- -.. -.-- ..--..?"

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