What does Prince Legolas think of you? | Comments

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  • This quiz is old but Pinterest recommended it to me only now, so ¯\_()_/¯ Just wanted to say that it was really entertaining and I loved it lmao. Had the time of my life (I made an acc only for this comment)

  • Needs more work. In this quiz, somehow it felt like more childish to me. Options were so relatable. Which is sooo easy to capture.

    You need to focus more on topic than some stupid jokes...

    (It more sounds like an Hobbit quiz for some stupidity )


    • Immature quiz actually. Too easy to get. And too much stupid jokes.

      You need to do more work on it.
      Good luck.

  • Dude that was so freaking hilarious. I have literally had a crush on him since his appearance in the second hobbit movie. I was 8 lol. So funny!!! Still laughing.

  • ok, i changed my name to AnodientheElleth so.... yup. all i wanted to say.

  • Meh, I'm not so bored now, and not sounding like a sheep so much. I've been quoting LotR a lot lately. As in A LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT! Almost all my thoughts revolve around Lord of the Rings.... BUT I'M NOT A CRAZY FANGIRL!!! They are creepy and evil!!!!! THEY MUST ALL DIE!!!! If only I could just find their headquarters.... shrugs. weeeelll... ok im bored again. Anyone know of anything to do? OH I KNOW I'LL PLAY TRUTH OR DA- wait, nvm.... im not with my friends and unless i do a quiz for i cant. plus im innbed. and if i get caught doing this id be in big trouble. anyway, i dont even know why im doing this. im just bored i guess. shrugs. time to go check out more quizzes and authors and stuff. hopefully theyve made more since i last checked, since i finished most of them.... *sighs. for the umpteenth time since ive been writing this. oops, i ssighed again. bye people, have better lives than me!

  • bah. im just bored. need socialization. UGH SOMEONE HELP ME MY LIFE SUCKS I DON'T LIKE FEELING THIS WAY AND I WANT TO SEE MY BROTHER!!! stupid social worker junk and dumb legal foster kid stuff won't let me.... or maybe it's just my grandparents. either way, i think ive got depression or something... probably. it wouldn't suprise me. bah. bah bah bah bah im a sheep bah bah bah life sucks bah im gonna take my own quiz again to see why it sucks bah bah bah bbah.

  • Hey, won't someone take this quiz please? Legolas has been moping around lately because he thinks everyone hates him! WHY WILL NOBODY TAKE THE QUIZ?!?!?! I SPENT DAYS MAKING IT AT NIGHT UNDER THE BLANKETS USING MY DSI SO MY GRANDPARENTS WOULDN'T CATCH ME AND DOING IT DURING SCHOOL WHICH MADE ME GET BAD GRADES JUST SO I COULD MAKE THIS QUIZ BECAUSE I WANTED PEOPLE TO HAVE A LEGOLAS QUIZ THAT HAD GOOD GRAMMAR AND WAS PRETTY GOOD!!! Please have some compassion on me! I don't have much of a life, and this, my books, and using the internet (without my grandparents consent) are my few joys in life! Have pity on me! *AAHH!!! DESPERATE DESIRE TO QUOTE THE LORD OF THE RINGS SERIES!!! FROM MEMORY!!!!*

    "'What a pity that Bilbo did not stab that vile creature, when he had a chance!'

    'Pity? It was Pity that stayed his hand. Pity, and Mercy: not to strike without need.'"

    Sorry, I love that quote. It's one of my favorites. Also many others... Since I have little else better to do, I will likely put most of them here in the comments, as NOBODY ELSE IS USING IT!!! Now I feel all lonely and unwanted and forgotten!!! I'm going to go read, likely make another song and then probably cry a bit, trying to hold it back.... Same way I spend many nights... and days.... My life really is far more depressing than anyone's ever likely to know. No clue why i'm even writing this; no one cares and it doesn't matter. guess i don't like writing it down in a journal cuz my grandparents might read it so i type it bah. bye. have fun anyway.

    • Bruh...could!d you vent someplace else please??


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