What do people see you as?

Hopefully you liked it. You are a unique individual never forget that. Reach for the stars and hopefully you will take my advice. Never give up trying to go better than you are. If you did not like your results try to change and then take this again in a couple months.

Hopefully you liked it. You are a unique individual never forget that. Reach for the stars and hopefully you will take my advice. Never give up trying to go better than youare. But if you did like it please come back I will try to make more.

Created by: Boo boo
  1. What do you find fun on a Friday night?
  2. Do you like to do on a Friday night
  3. How many friends do you have
  4. What is your favorite what is your favorite animal ?
  5. I know everyone hates this question but I don't know why but what is your favorite color?
  6. If you see someone getting hurt in school what will you do?
  7. Do you have multiple boyfriends in one month. Or do you stick with just one?
  8. What is your style?
  9. What is your lifestyle?
  10. How did you like it considering it was my first one?

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