what do hawkfrost tigerstar yellowfang and mapleshade think of yo

welcome to my quiz. here you will find out basically what the title says. note: yellowfang only has one finall thing at the end and please excuse my spelling errors i did this on my dsi please forgive. i will be happy to fixif i can

so ar YOU ready to find out are you because i worked hars this is my first qiz ever and please dont be mean in the comments let start! ps sorry for all the spelling errors i said it already but i did this on my dsi

Created by: warriorcatsworld
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. is starclan or the darkforest better?
  2. if your friend bluefur fell out of a tree what would you do?
  3. if you saw someone you hate in your clan in a battle would you kill him
  4. you see a trespasser on another clans territory and its a kit what do you do?
  5. tigerstar: i ask a question now! me: well... tigerstar: you see a kitty pet just outside your territory what do you do? me: really? again?
  6. kill scourge again!
  7. mapleshade: boys only! do you love me?
  8. die and join us! or just train in your dreams... i am hawkfrost>:0
  9. how was this quiz?
  10. whats the perfect cat in ur mind

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