What Criminal camp are you part of?

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Welcome to my quiz! If you actually are reading this, wow. Nice. Anywho, this quiz, a lot like the name suggests will be telling you what criminal camp you are in!

These camps came strictly from my imagination, so don’t judge. The options are Blacklife, Doubtfall, Freehearts, and Softfeet. Good luck, this is a dangerous quiz *insert crappy evil laughter here*.

Created by: Funtime Lillian
  1. Hello future criminal (jk)!
  2. So, first question, how good are you with teamwork? This is quite important.
  3. Okay, noted. How are you with authority?
  4. Great, bear with me here, odd question, I know, but do you prefer thievery or assassinations? (Nobody take offense with this one please).
  5. Roleplay now, get ready. You are just leaving from a mission where you somehow ended up alone (either it be choice, abandonment, or your teammates were forced to flee and you’ve got no clue). The homeowners of the house you were in happen to be deadly killers and — oh crap is that them glaring at you? What do you do?
  6. Whatever you chose (yes I know they were all bad) you ended up unconscious. You woke up in a prison cell with a horrible headache and all your tools and weapons taken away. What do you do?
  7. A prison guard comes and tells you that you’re gonna be executed in a few days, not saying the exact date. The guard throws you out into a walled in space with more prisoners, who do you approach.
  8. Soon you get roughly thrown back into your cell, smacking your head against the stone floor. Ow, not fun. You sleep there, trying to ignore your grumbling stomach, nobody’s thought to feed you yet. What do you dream about?
  9. You wake up (or just notice if you couldn’t sleep) to a figure sneaking through the hall, a rapier in their hand. Who is it?
  10. It is the person you picked from before! They break you out of prison and bring you back to your camp. How do you thank them.
  11. Okay, roleplay over. More questions I forgot to ask earlier. What’s your ideal time of day to work your missions?
  12. Okay, out of these songs, which seem more appealing? (You can look them up if you don’t know them or just simply pick the “other” option.
  13. Finally, which of these camps listed below (the actual final camps) do you want to get?
  14. Alright, that’s the quiz, enjoy your results, see ya!

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Quiz topic: What Criminal camp am I part of?
