Your Camp Thurman Guy Part 1

Hi! This is my first ever quiz. I hope you like it. I do! It was really fun to create, and I hope it was fun to take. I know there are a ton of quizeses like this, and am so glad you picked this one.

Camp Thurman is a real camp in Texas. Don't worry. I'm not advertising! All the people are real except April. But, they act nothing like they do in the quiz, although the results are pretty accurate analyses of how they act.

Created by: Challama
  1. You are so excited to finally be going to Night Camp at Camp Thurman. It is from 4:00pm to 9:00pm. One solid week of nothing but fun. But the most exciting part is that guys and girls are IN THE SAME GROUP. You can't help but dream about your first kiss...
  2. When you arrive, you see you over all group divided in two. The girls on the right, and guys on the left. They are all talking and laughing. The smiles are infectious. But which group should you go talk to?
  3. Girls: You walk over to the girls. Right away you notice the leader of the group. You walk up to her. "Hi." You say. She looks you up and down. Finally she speaks. "I'm April." "Tierney." You reply, smiling. And just like that, you are welcomed into the conversation. "I totally call Niles." Says a blond girl, Nora. "Of course you do." Says April. All the girls giggle. You join in. "Hey Tierney." A small girl named Avery says, nudging you. "Jud is looking at you." Your crowd quiets and looks over at a tall, strong, and cute guy. He looks away, but you saw him.If you answered boys, click no.
  4. Boys: You walk over to the group of guys. "Hi!" You say cheerfully. Their conversation stops. They all look at you. "Uh, did anyone see the game last night?" You say,trying to break the ice. This sparks a whole conversation. You smile, joining in. Just be fore your counselor herds you together for the first activity, a short guy pulls you aside. He kind of cute. "Hey. I'm Niles." He says. "Tierney."
  5. Later…………………………………………………………………………………………Its time to swim. Its been a few hours, and already you know its going to be a great summer. You talk with Avery as you pull of your shorts and shirt, realveling your one piece swimsuit. You barley listen to the rules. You're to busy watching Juds back. Its surprisingly tan. "Enter the pool!" And just like that you're off and walking. "Hey Tierney!" You turn around and Niles is coming towards you, his arm half raised. "Yeah?" You reply. "Wanna race down the slides?" .
  6. "Yeah, that'd be fun." You reply. "But I dont see the point. I'm going to win." He laughs as the two of you walk to the ladder for the slides. When you get to the top, Jacob's partner ditches him. You feel horrible. And apparently, so does Niles. "Could we race some other time?" He asks. "Of course!" You reply. Than you watch Niles lose to Jacob. He laughs, and looks up atyou flipping his hair and giving you a thumbs-up. "Excuse me." You turn and see Jud. "Could I race with you?" You look at the empty slide beside you. For some reason, you couldnt talk. So instead you nodded. He mumbled a thanks and sat.
  7. The rest of the day passed by quickly. Your group headed to the CCD deck for pick up. You sit down between April and Nora. You talk and laugh for a while. But that is cut short when you see Jacob heaeing off in the woods. "I'm gonna,uh, grab some water." You say, and than rush off toward the direction Jacob went. He had headed toward the power pole. You run as quietly and quicklyas you can that direction. You watch from the shadows as he climbs on the tree-house-like structure that leads up to the ropes course. When you see hes reached the top, you climb up behind him.
  8. You reach the top.
  9. "What are you doing here?" You cant see his face very well in the semi-darkness, but you can tell he is angry. "I'm sorry. I'll leave. I didnt meanto-" You trail off. The veiw ihas stunned you. Camp was beutiful. Youre so transfixed you barley hear him. "No. Stay."
  10. Cliffhanger!

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Quiz topic: My Camp Thurman Guy Part 1
