What continent should you actually live in?

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The world has seven continents. Which one do you belong in? Where should you live? In a few easy minutes, by taking this quiz, you can find out. I hope you enjoy it!


Created by: Betty Cushman
  1. Which is your favorite season?
  2. What would you rather eat?
  3. Which continent do you want to get? (no effect)
  4. What would you do to help the world?
  5. What color are you?
  6. You meet a stranger. What do you do to him/her?
  7. How much do you like this quiz?
  8. Will you comment on this quiz?
  9. Will you comment on this quiz?
  10. Back to business, which continent are you from?
  11. Thanks for taking!

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Quiz topic: What continent should I actually live in?