What Clone Trooper Legion, Battalion or Corps are you?

Ever wondered what legion, battalion or corps you would be assigned to if you were a clone trooper? Well this quiz will help you decide. It will accurately predict what Legion, Battalion or Corp you would be placed in as a clone trooper.

You will be asked a range of questions, that will either get you closer to a legion, battalion or corps, or further away. Will you be a member of the elite 501st? Or will you be a hated member of the Coruscant guard?

Created by: John
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. What would you rather be doing?
  3. What is your opinion on the Jedi?
  4. Pick a planet
  5. Pick a Jedi
  6. Pick a vehicle
  7. What do you like most?
  8. Where would you be?
  9. Who do you not like
  10. Dictatorship or democracy

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Quiz topic: What Clone Trooper Legion, Battalion or Corps am I?
