What Candidate Should You Vote For?

This is a quiz that lets you see how your views of the major issues compare with those of the 2008 Presidential Nominees; both Democrat and Republican. Please take time to read through the different candidate opinions and choose the one that you most agree with, based on your true feelings and not who you think it matches up with. At the end of the quiz you will see which candidate's views are most like yours.

You will either be matched up with Senator Hillary Clinton (D), Senator Barack Obama (D), or Senator John McCain (R). I chose these because they are the front runners and the candidates you will most likely see on the ballot in November. I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Victoria
  1. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of TAXES?
  2. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of STEM CELL RESEARCH?
  3. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of SOCIAL SECURITY?
  4. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of SAME SEX MARRIAGE?
  5. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of IRAQ?
  6. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of IRAN?
  7. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of IMMIGRATION?
  8. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of HOUSING?
  9. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of HOMELAND SECURITY?
  10. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of HEALTH CARE?
  11. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of GUNS?
  12. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of FREE TRADE?
  13. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of ENVIRONMENT?
  14. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of ENERGY?
  15. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of EDUCATION?
  16. Which candidates view do you agree with the most on the issue of the ECONOMY?

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Quiz topic: What Candidate should I Vote For?