What can you play best in softball

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There are many softball players but none of them are perfect. Do you have the guts glory (ram) to play all of the positions in the field and out !!!!!

This quiz is her to test your softball skills. Can you throw a ball Can you catch a ball At the end you will figure out what position or positions would be perfect for you

Created by: Jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Can you catch a ball
  2. Can you throw a ball
  3. Can you squat behind home plate for 20 mins with 10 pounds of gear on
  4. Do you like to get down and dirty
  5. Do you like to go outside
  6. Can you go outside in 100'F
  7. Pool or field in hot weather
  8. Did you like this quiz
  9. Random question #1 Dogs or cats
  10. Have a nice day

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Quiz topic: What can I play best in softball