What bender are you (ATLA and LOK)

this quiz is to help you know what bender you are and don't worry it's just a quiz so it might be wrong there are only four answers sorry I didn't to side bending styles.

since this is just a quiz don't take it to heart unless you want to, this is my opinion and you might think you are another bender which is perfectly okay.

Created by: Jynx
  1. when doing a group project what role are you most likely?
  2. favorite color?
  3. when asked something what do you do?
  4. what superhero power would you want?
  5. favorite animal? from this bunch
  6. Night owl or early bird?
  7. If you were being attacked head-on by one person, which would you most likely do?
  8. what type of person do you hate the most?
  9. weapon of choice
  10. you're told to do something that you really don't want to do

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Quiz topic: What bender am I (ATLA and LOK)
