What belly do you secretly want? (Or already have)

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This quiz will tell you if there is a certain belly type you wish you, and only you could have and see. Would you like a just a bit more volume, or do you want to be a big beach ball? Find out with this quiz!

Please don’t take this seriously, this was just for fun, and if it doesn’t apply to you, then it just doesn’t. This is meant to bring out some little k!ñk you may have

Created by: Jenny
  1. What is your gender
  2. What is your assigned Sex at birth
  3. What is your favorite food
  4. What do you think about your belly
  5. Do you like feeling full
  6. When you see a person with a big belly,
  7. What is your favorite drink
  8. Should fat people where tight clothes
  9. Imagine you woke up looking 9 months pregnant, but only you can see it, how do you feel
  10. Imagine you woke up with a blubber belly, that was super squishy, and only you could see it, how would you feel
  11. Imagine you wake up with abs of steel that only you can see, how do you feel
  12. How often do you work out
  13. (Male) do you grow and/or remove your stomach hair
  14. (Female) How big are your 🍒

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Quiz topic: What belly do I secretly want? (Or already have)

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