What art medium are you?

This quiz explains what art medium fits your personality. It is good if you are bored, or if you are trying to find a new way to express yourself via the arts.

This quiz explains what art medium fits your personality. It is good if you are bored, or if you are trying to find a new way to express yourself via the arts

Created by: face
  1. A friend suggests trespassing on government owned property and vandalising to protest a new law you know is wrong. You...
  2. You are student and a paper that will basically determine your grade is assigned on a Monday. It is due that Friday, you...
  3. In general..
  4. You are assigned a group project, you...
  5. Your favorite animals are:
  6. You're favorite types of music are
  7. You like your workspace
  8. You dress...
  9. Describe your athletic ability.
  10. Describe your social nature

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Quiz topic: What art medium am I?