What Are Your Positive And Negative Personality Traits? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Are Your Positive And Negative Personality Traits?

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  • POSITIVE: You are a very brave person, with courage! You are fearless and ready to take chances. You are not afraid of anything, no matter what! NEGATIVE: You are daring and you take chances too often! This makes you risky. You are the type of person that takes the most dangerous chances, no matter what the outcome could be! Totally me!

  • very good quiz. I like the fact that it was more than just the necessary 12 questions, shows me you put a lot of effort and time and I can relate to most of the results

  • I am Fun, But Moody...

  • Fun, but moody. Totally me.

  • I got confident, but suspicious. I get the suspicious part, but I down think I'm very confident. Good quiz anyway!

  • POSITIVE: You are a sweet and kind person! You have a cute personality and you smile sweetly whenever someone looks at you! This makes you nice. NEGATIVE: You are a very dishonest person! You constantly lie, because you can't help it! You can't be trusted at all, because you have a habit of lying.

    sounds like me...

  • I got imaginative yet lustful. So true. :p. I do tend to drift off in my own little world. I like it better there. xP

    But good quiz. I liked it. =^-^=

  • i got sweet but dishonest, that is not true. i feel bad about myself whenever i lie, and when i lie, i often go to the person i lied to and apolagize. sweet is true though, i allways try to be nice, and make others happy. shy is more of my negative trait. still, this quiz was very good. i can see you put efford in it.


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