What Are You Most likely to ?

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You are a superstar. You should try a quiz.of your own. You'll be as clever as me. knowing what to write. there are many people like you who are probably as clever as me.

But you wonder why you aren't a genius. It's because we all have small brains until we grow up. and then you will find a way out of tiny problems that you don't want anymore

Created by: Tiana
  1. What are you most likely to do if you couldn't do your favourite thing?
  2. What are you most likely to eat?
  3. What Are You Most Likely Not To Eat?
  4. What Do You Mostly Say?
  5. What do you mostly do?
  6. What would you mostly put up on your wall?
  7. What would you most likely do if it was your Birthday
  8. What have you mostly been embarrassed about?
  9. How many friends would you rather have?
  10. What would your friends rather say to you alone?

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Quiz topic: What am I Most likely to ?