What Archaeological Site Might You Be, Were You An Archaeological

There are many archaeological sites, but this site will only let one go with 4-8 choices. So, in the interests of time and keeping the golden mean, here is your chance to find out which of 6 members of the Mediterranean archaeology Dream Team you might resemble.

Is it Pompeii? No, because that's not on here. Is it Vindolanda? No, because that's not on here either. There are, however, 6 classic sites, with a wide range of advanced diagnostic tools. So, go to.

Created by: Alexander
  1. How do you feel about lighthouses
  2. Fortifications?
  3. How important are religious buildings to you?
  4. Have you always wanted to decorate your passageways with large cats?
  5. If you had to choose one of the following to save from a fire, what would it be?
  6. How do you feel about columns?
  7. Does Alexander the Great like you?
  8. If you were surrounded by an enemy with a larger army, and he laid siege to you for a long period of time, how would you deal with this?
  9. Is it worth fighting over women?
  10. Is your alphabet Semitic?
  11. Say some Italian fellow wants to give you a statue of himself, free of charge. How do you respond?
  12. Are now, or have you ever been, a member of an organization named after hammers?
  13. How well did you know the Hittites?
  14. Had you possessed steamboats, how would this have affected you?
  15. Pederasty? Yea or nay?
  16. Boxers or briefs?
  17. Would you prefer to be half underwater or on a hill?
  18. Were your people ever enslaved by Egyptians?
  19. Do you or your people have traditional, metrical epithets?
  20. How would you like to be remembered?

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