what animal are you?

At some point in our lives, we all pretended to be animals. Now that you're old enough to look back upon your childhood objectively, were your "animal instincts" correct?

Until now you could only wonder. In theory, one shouldn't have to doubt their gut instinct, but, hey, curiosity is what makes us human after all! See how close your instincts were.

Created by: katie
  1. what is your favorite television show?
  2. what is your best feature
  3. pick a response!
  4. you have just built a house where all the walls face south. a bear walks up. WITHOUT LOOKING UP THE ANSWER, what color is the bear?
  5. do you play an instrument?
  6. what are you listening to?
  7. Quick! What's pi out to 10 digits?!
  8. what type of meat would you order at a restaurant?
  9. was this test worth your time?
  10. continue the song... Vrei sa pleci dar numa numa iei,

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Quiz topic: What animal am I?