What Alien Species Are You

Aliens have got us wondering: is there extra terrestrial life and if there is what do they look like and how would they react to us. Some people have asked themselves: what if I was an alien?

What if you were an alien the following quiz will help you figure out what type of alien you are. Depending on you answers you can find out if you are a legendary xenomorph or a simple grunt.

Created by: sterling arnold
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you play sports.
  2. Do you consider yourself good at sports.
  3. How are (or were) your grade in school?
  4. Do you like science fiction?
  5. Your home planet is destroyed where do you go to settle?
  6. Do you get sick easily?
  7. Do you have a lot of allergies?
  8. What's you favorite animal out of the ones below?
  9. You meet an alien, what is the first thing you say to it.
  10. If you could travel to somewhere other than earth where would you go.
  11. What do you like to do in your spare time?

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Quiz topic: What Alien Species am I