Welcome to Hogwarts Pt2

You get the letter for your second year and the stuff you need to get on the train before this such and such you go to diagon alley to get this stuff that you need for Hogwarts.

You will be asked some werid question and you have to answer then and afterwards you will have your answer start answering the question when you are really.

Created by: lsl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Now get the letter from hogwart would you just takes hs word or would you argue with hin.
  2. You get to Hogwarts and you have the feast then when you go to your common room and you seen someone argue with who is argue.
  3. Then you wake up in the moring then you see someone on the side of Harry's bed who is it?
  4. Then you go to the moring feast and you go sit by who would you sit next to.
  5. Would you join the DA(Dumbledore's army).
  6. Would you tell on the DA?
  7. Would you risk your life on trying to save Harry's godfather.
  8. Which is you favriote Harry Potter good guy?
  9. Which faviote Harry Potter bad guuy charter do you like?
  10. Do you like this quiz?
  11. Are you muggle-born?
  12. Are you pure-blood?
  13. Are you half-blood?

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