Warriors: can you survive part 1

this quiz is to see if you can survive i skipped alot of space just deal with it i hate this part of the quiz hope this quiz is fun randomness omg omg

why did there have to be two paragraphs thissss part is booooorrrriiinng wwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhyyyyyyy randomness tell me please if the quiz sucked thank you

Created by: Sydney Dzierzanowski
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "Moonkit" your mother calls "time for a nap
  2. Come take a nap anyway you will thank me later
  3. you go inside and take a nap your going to be an apprentice with your best friend patchkit
  4. just as you fall asleep you hear a noise you get up and stick your head out of the brambles and see 3 foxes attacking your camp
  5. your clan fights the foxes and wins just as the sun starts to come up firestar tells the clan its time for the naming
  6. you get your name moonpaw and patchkit is now patchpaw as well
  7. your mentor is lionblaze and patchpaws mentor is dovewing
  8. the rest of the questions dont count
  9. wat ur fav color
  10. wheeeeeeeeeee

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Quiz topic: Warriors: can I survive part 1